New features:
NEW: For shipper user to send new contracted rates for approval - from now on GoRamp covers the communication between shippers and carriers when confirming final pricing agreed in contracts:
- assign carriers and send for their approval
- track status of approvals
- emails informing about new or approved pricings
NEW: Widget to track completed reservations by cargo - from now on users are able to assign specific cargos to each reservation and create reports to identify count of bookings per each one
- new standard field in reservation “cargo”
- widget where bookings are represented by different status - total, completed, % of each cargo
NEW: Widget to evaluate warehouse and ramp efficiency by total available and used slots
- available as both pie and bar charts
NEW: Multiple widgets dedicated for carriers to evaluate their performance while dealing with shippers within contracted lanes
- evaluation of overdue payments
- evaluation of assigned shipments and turnover within contracted lanes
- evaluation of assigned shipments and turnover by selected shippers
UPDATED: Upgraded Fleet module with brand new calendar:
- drag n drop to update date and time of each fleet shipment on calendar
- drag n drop to update driver or truck assigned to each shipment on calendar
- swap drivers and truck by drag n drop on calendar
Small improvements and fixes:
- Date of start and end of the event in case it is longer than one day
- From now on users are able to add custom end time of the reservation different from suggested by load type
- Help centre was temporarily inaccessible - SOLVED
- Permission that allows to change the status of the reservation only was not working - SOLVED
- Emails about canceled reservations are not sent if the reservation was canceled due to deleted order where this reservation was assigned
- When reservation is canceled due to deleted order, action and reason are autofilled accordingly
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