This article walks you through the initial yard visualisation.
You can access your Yard module by clicking on the “Yard” button at the top of GoRamps interface.
Once you access the “Yard” module for the first time, you will be met with the following page.
Click “Setup yards” to start setting up your first virtual Yard.
Initial yard setup
There are 4 initial steps of setting up your yard, our system takes you through them step-by-step.
1. Enter the yard title;
Once you enter the title, continue to the next step
2. Select Warehouses that exist within the Yard
Select one or multiple warehouses that will be displayed in the yard. You will be able to add additional warehouses later on.
Note: one warehouse can only exist within one yard.
Once you tick one or more warehouses, continue on to the next step.
3. Gate settings
In this step, you are asked to select and name the available gates within your yard.
All yards must have gates for both arriving and departing vehicles. OR a gate that accepts both departing and arriving vehicles.
There are three gate types:
- Arrival - a gate that accepts arriving vehicles;
- Departure - a gate accepts departing vehicles;
- Arrival/Departure - a gate that accepts both arriving and departing vehicles.
Once you set up your gates, continue on to the next step.
4. Set up your parking areas
The last set up step allows you to set up the existing parking areas within your Yard.
- Parking zone name - The name of your parking space;
- Parking slot prefix - The prefix that will later be visible within the parking visualization;
- Parking slot count for the zone - The count of parking spaces within the zone;
- Parking area layout - double or single line, describes the layout of the parking spaces within your yard.
After this step, the initial set up is done, you can now start setting up the layout of your yard by clicking “Edit Map”.
Placing and manipulating your yard objects
There are several yard objects that are used to map out your virtual Yard. They are all found at the left side of the page while in Yard editing mode.
- Parking spaces - Parking objects; represents the parking spaces within your yard;
- Warehouse - represents the warehouse ramps within your virtual yard;
- Departal/arrival gates - represents the arrival or departure gates of your yard;
- Grass and road elements - Grass and road elements allow you to shape up your yard visualization;
To add in a yard object to your visualisation, simply click on “Insert all” or choose to add in components (e.g parking spaces) one by one from the object menu.
Once you click on an object from the component menu, the object will be transferred to your yard map. Then, simply drag and drop the component to position it within the yard.
Ramp and parking zone objects can be rotated and have more additional functions to access them, click on the ramp/parking zone and then click on the three dot button that appears.
Once clicked, a menu with several options will appear. To dismiss the menu, click on the “X” button.
The menu options are as follows:
- Change items in group positions by drag & drop - allows you to change the placing of ramps/singular parking lots
- Edit group settings - allows you to edit the information within the object
- Rotate - allows you to change the rotation of your object within the yard
- Delete - allows you to delete the object from the yard. (You can also delete yard objects by clicking on the “X” button in the right corner of the object).
Once you are happy with the placement of all of your Yard objects, click “Save” next to the yard name:
Once done, your Yard will be saved. Your Yard setup is now done.
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