Tasks can be created in a few ways;
1)By clicking "Create a task" near an appointment or a fleet object;
2)By dragging and dropping an object to a location within your yard;
3)By clicking "New task" under "Tasks" in the menu:
After each scenario, a new window will appear which will allow you to enter data of the task.
1) Task object - the object that the task is for. This selection is locked if you create a task for an appointment/specific;
2) Movement type - where the object will be moved to. There are three types of movement - Gate, Parking and Ramp;
3) Due date and time;
4) Task assignee - the worker that will complete this task;
5) Additional information;
6) Subtasks - allows you to create any additional tasks that are not related to truck movement; There are 4 different types of subtasks;
- Yes/No statements - the worker is required to select Yes or No statement; e.g a question could be “Did the truck come with all needed documents?;
- Custom text - Allows you to ask a question and the worker can then answer it in a free form manner;
- Dropdown - allows you to ask a question and the worker is then able to pick an answer for it from a drop down list;
- Upload documents - allows the worker to upload documents related to the task;
Once you are done adding all the task details, click “Create task”. The task will then appear in your menu under “Tasks”.
Click here to find out more about task statuses.
The task will also be available for workers in their Task menu. To find out more about the yard worker environment, click here
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