In this article, you will learn the potential causes and what to do when data export does not work or you are not receiving any email.
What are the possible causes?
Email does not arrive: is not reaching inbox or going to Spam
When you want to export a file and you click the “Export” button, a message appears that you will receive an email with the export file.
Since the export is sent by email via automated message, such messages can be often flagged as spam or blocked from receiving by your email account.
- In this case, if you do not receive the export email, make sure to check your email’s Spam folder for potentially misplaced email.
- If the email is not in Spam, contact your IT team to check if automated emails are potentially blocked from receiving from our automated email
Export exceeded limit of data
Sometimes, when the company has multiple warehouses with high volumes of reservations on a daily basis, the export function can show an error of exceeding the limit of the export file.
Here are possible solutions for this issue:
- Filter reservations by start date: Filtering the list of reservations and setting a precise time period of which reservations you want to export will lower the number of exported data and will resolve the issue.
To filter the data, simply click on the “Calendar” icon in the “Start date” field and pick a range of days you want to filter the reservations e.g. 30 days:
- Filter reservation by warehouse: If you have multiple warehouses, oftentimes filtering data just by warehouse will lower the exported data amount to not exceed the limit and will resolve the issue.
To filter the data by warehouse, simply click on the “Warehouse” field and a list will open with all your warehouses. Choose the warehouse you want to filter and click to add a checkmark to it.
Error occurred message
If you encounter an error message “Error occurred” when trying to export a data file or any other issues not mentioned above, please contact the technical support team at: