Use case for custom fields
If you feel like the your reservation form is missing data/you aren't gathering enough essential documents/data/emails from your carriers, consider implementing new custom fields.
What exactly are custom fields?
In short, everything you need in a convenient format. Custom fields will be a part of all your reservation forms once they are assigned to the relevant ramps.
You choose from:
- Drop-down menus with single/multiple selection
- Free text fields
- File
- Date
- Time
- Phone number
- Number (inputs in digits only)
How do I create custom fields? How do I add them to my reservation form?
You can go to "Settings" > "Custom Fields" to add new ones or manage the selection you already have.
Once you've created the fields you want, you can go to "Settings" > "Warehouses" to assign them. Keep in mind, custom fields are applied on a per ramp basis, which means you will need to add them to each ramp that needs them.
Below is a comprehensive guide with step-by-step instructions:
If you have any questions, please email and we will be happy to help!