While you only have to do it once per instance, creating a warehouse and making the most out of the settings and customisation option we offer is the most important step towards ensuring your day-to-day operations run smoothly.
In this guide, we will go through the basics of creating a new warehouse from scratch and will also look through things you should keep in mind while doing so.
Things to remember:
There are a few nuances and levels of how different settings and options interact within the warehouse, so let's quickly get them out of the way:
Warehouse settings take priority over individual ramp settings
For example, if the ramps are set to work each Wednesday, but the whole warehouse has a day-off/holiday set for a date that falls on a Wednesday, the system won't allow reservations to be created that day.
Some settings are managed on a per-ramp basis
This means that while multiple ramps can be tied to the same warehouse and pull general settings from it, you still need to make sure every ramp's restrictions and working days/times are set accordingly and make sense to both you and carriers.
Restrictions/disabled periods/load types and how they affect availability
When making a reservation, the carrier will select from the list of load/transport types you've created.
The system will use the carrier's input to display ramp availability accordingly. In other words, the transport/load type combination the carrier selects determines what ramps will be available for reservations.
Let's say you have a total of 2 ramps: Dock 1 and Dock 2. If a carrier selects "Van" as the transport type, "1h", "20", "Pallets" and "Boxes" will be the only load type options available. With this selection, they won't see Dock 2 as an option for their reservation.
On top of that, ramp's disabled periods can block booking for some periods during the working day.
Restrictions coming from each load type can further limit the carrier's ability to make a reservation.
While it's important to optimize your warehouse operation, please remember to go through your load types to make sure they are optimal and assign them to ramps accordingly.
You can take a look at our guide on load types to figure out which work best for you and how to manage them |
How many warehouses should I create?
Each of your physical locations (warehouses) needs to be represented by its own virtual warehouse inside our system, which is why we've detailed the workflow of creating new warehouses from scratch and all the nuances to consider.
What does the process look like?
Check out the step-by-step interactive guide below:
If you have any questions, please email help@goramp.com and we will be happy to help!