Why use notifications?
Notifications are instant and are the quickest way to see latest updates/reservation changes to help you work efficiently.
How do I manage them?
You can find your notification settings by clicking the “Bell” icon on the bottom right corner and navigating to “Manage notification settings”.
What are the options?
In this Setting category, you will be able to customise the notifications (and their content) that you wish to receive by email - you can also opt to only see notifications in your notification centre (which can be accessed via the “Bell” icon).
Should I select email or in-app notifications?
In-app notifications need to be regularly checked via the system, so if you aren't frequenting the app, you should be using email notifications. Having both enabled provides the most visibility.
How do I unsubscribe from emails?
Via the same menu, simply access https://app.goramp.eu/app/settings/notifications and untick the boxes that represent emails you don't want to receive.
Below is a guide on setting up notifications:
If you have any questions, email help@goramp.com and we will be happy to help!